What is the role of the teacher in eLearning environment? How does this compare to the role of a teacher in a traditional face-to-face environment?
As a full time teacher in a traditional face-to-face classroom, I found it interesting that our textbook was able to list the responsibilities of an eLearning teacher. They say that eLearning teachers need to do the following:
- analyze the learners - identify their unique characteristics and learning styles
- use state standards and objectives to determine learning outcomes
- Design lessons -- including what resources will be used
- use of technology and media
- monitor and require learner participation
- monitor and adjust
- evaluate
In my opinion that list is basic. They neglected to talk about how a good teacher cares about her students and how the teacher worries when a student shares personal challenges. They did not talk about how the teacher adjusts the lessons to meet the needs or her students. She also adjusts lessons to meet the constraints of her students. In an eLearning environment, since there is no face-to face time, it is important that the teacher respond in a timely manner. The students needs to know that the teacher is paying attention to what the students is struggling with.
In many ways, these are the same responsibilities that a face-to-face teacher has. But when I teach my face-to-face class, I know what kind of internet connection speed my students have and it does not interfere with the lesson. I know what resources they have available and what software we can use. But I still plan the lessons, and worry about my kids, and monitor and adjust. I celebrate their successes and help them work through struggles. And I pay attention to them so that they know I am not abandoning them.
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