Friday, November 12, 2010

Instructional Technology and learning Styles

It’s pretty easy to teach in your learning style.  If you are an auditory learner, it’s easy to teach in that way.  It’s the same with visual learners or tactile learners.  But when you try to teach outside of your comfort zone, it’s a bit more of a challenge.

Instructional technology and media can help with this.  Auditory learners will benefit from podcasts and songs.  (  Visual learners will benefit from educational videos ( and   Tactile learners will benefit (   The best approach is to combine them all (

It’s great that all of this is available, but it is only helpful if teachers take advantage of it.  Mining through the vast amount of material available is a challenge.  It would be great if we could have one clearinghouse for IT and media.  There are many available, but I rely on them.  Many times the link is dead or it leads to a commercial product.  I’ll start working on my own.  And I’ll share.

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