Friday, November 12, 2010

Instructional Materials and Media

There are many benefits to using electronic instructional materials and media.   First, they are engaging.  Children have short attention spans.  They want immediate gratification.  One of the best ways to address both of these needs in education is to use games and simulations. eLearning is no different than face-to-face learning in this area.  Students need to be engaged and motivated.  They need to find their learning entertaining.  Electronic instructional materials and media allow those needs to be met.  Second, the usage of these materials needs to be closely monitored by the teacher.  It is easy to monitor usage of electronic instructional materials.  Most have teacher monitoring built in to the program.  Third, electronic instructional materials and media address the various learning styles of children.  Visual learners are enlightened by the visual stimulus that these materials provide.  Auditory learners will thrive on the sounds. Tactile learners may struggle with this, but if the electronic instructional material includes and manipulation of mouse of cursor, they too will be addressed.

There are challenges too.  Internet speed is a huge issue when it comes to the use of electronic instructional materials and media.  If a student has a slow internet connection they may not be able to get a quick response to their actions.  If they have an older model computer the students may not be able to access all of the media files.  They may not have the capacity to run the newer software required by the games and simulations.  These limitation, however, are not insurmountable.  Some eLearning institutions provide their students with the hardware and software needed to be successful. 

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